Monday, February 24, 2014

Judy Blume and Chelsea Handler Both Had Sub-par 40 Times

One of these two guys says God talks to him. He says that part of God's master plan is for him to not participate in the NFL Combine, a major evaluation tool/convention in American professional football scouting and draft analysis. The God that talks to one of these guys apparently has already informed him he can skip this major process and he will become a Seattle Seahawk.
I can't say for certain whether or not God really talks to one of these two guys. Let's assume, out of respect for this particular person's religious beliefs, that God did speak directly to him.
I'm curious as to whether or not this God also spoke to incumbent starting Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch to tell him that it would be in his best interests to seek employment elsewhere or even pick up an entirely new vocation.
Or maybe one of these gentleman isn't going to play running back in the NFL. Maybe God wants him to be the next Steve Tasker. From a football perspective, you could do a whole lot worse than being Steve Tasker.
I can't claim to know much about God. But I do think I know quite a bit about the NFL for a guy who last touched a pigskin at a petting zoo. More so than ever, teams that invest money and valuable draft picks on players are concerned with what goes on in a player's head as much as they are his physical skills. The background checks are more exhaustive than a GQ makeover for Don Imus, front offices obsess over players' Wonderlic test scores, (taking the test is actually an element of the combine) and the slightest hint of instability or less than a dedicated approach to football will drop players to lower in the draft. One of the two people pictured above is already projected as a fairly low draft pick to begin with. If his God says "skip the combine", what is his God's opinion gonna be on two-a-day workouts in full pads in August ?
Of course, the guy I'm discussing is the guy on the left, San Diego State Running Back Adam Muema.
I am not knocking his faith, his right to discuss his faith or any issue other than this:
Whatever his reason is for skipping the combine: from a mundane, secular, tangible perspective, by doing so he puts himself far closer to having to wear the uniform of the guy on the right for a living than he does of wearing this one:

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