I was gonna write a long angry blog about the University of Michigan's proposed new Head Football Coach Endowment, until I did a little research and found this in the Daily Newspaper Not Owned By The Steinbrenner Family Yet. Note the date. 2012, and they cite the practice going back to the 90's in the Ivy League.
I audited her class at St. Andrew's
Hall in the '80's
I audited her class at St. Andrew's
Hall in the '80's
So apparently head coaching endowments have been around for decades, and Michigan didn't invent the concept, so I'll just say this: There are a lot of things that have been around for decades that I don't appreciate, like blood alcohol levels constituting drunk driving being 3 beers an hour and Joan Rivers ruining awards shows. Now you can add head football coach endowments to the list.
I realize that people and foundations endow chairs and fellows and at some liberal arts colleges probably ottomans and dudes, but the football team is a different animal, (a Wolverine in this case) entirely.
If someone endows a department head that is doing fantastic biochem research, they are contributing (hopefully) to the greater good of mankind. Football coach doesn't need to be endowed just so some billionaire can trump all the other boosters who cause so many problems in the first place. What's next ? The Webber Family Blue Chip Linebacker's First Hooker Faculty Washroom ?
Besides, I don't care what name you slap in front of the title of the Head Football Coach at The University of Michigan: When someone is hired to be head football coach at the University of Michigan, there is only one name and one legacy to be lived up to. Keep it that way.
I realize that people and foundations endow chairs and fellows and at some liberal arts colleges probably ottomans and dudes, but the football team is a different animal, (a Wolverine in this case) entirely.
If someone endows a department head that is doing fantastic biochem research, they are contributing (hopefully) to the greater good of mankind. Football coach doesn't need to be endowed just so some billionaire can trump all the other boosters who cause so many problems in the first place. What's next ? The Webber Family Blue Chip Linebacker's First Hooker Faculty Washroom ?
Besides, I don't care what name you slap in front of the title of the Head Football Coach at The University of Michigan: When someone is hired to be head football coach at the University of Michigan, there is only one name and one legacy to be lived up to. Keep it that way.
It's fine to sponsor it, but it should not be his title. That's ridiculous. David Brandon's farts smells so sweet that Glade is marketing it as a candle scent.
ReplyDeleteBut they wouldn't have signed the check if the title wasn't involved. If community centers didn't put names on plaques with fancy titles (Soaring Falcon Ultimate Donor of Prestige, etc) there would be a whole lot less community centers.
ReplyDeletei remember the night he passed on. it was a weirdly warm winter night and on state street and hoover the whole sidewalk was covered in flowers. then the city of ann arbor built a new high school and paid some jerkoff to name it 'skyline' and because they had already sent him the check they said they wouldnt change it to schembechler cuz they just suck anyhoo.
ReplyDeleteHe's got a few things named after him. When I was researching the coach endowment history I found out Lafayette has about 15 buildings named after some Kirby guy.